Monday, September 6, 2010

Team Togetherness

Goot day;

So today the rest of my team arrived in totall we have. Brandi- 21 Toronto. Cella- 40ish Spain. Jennifer-22 Denver. Molly-18 Maine. Carol-Ann-23 Alabama and Matt-21 New Jersey. I just got back from dinner and we had a nice after dinner conversation comapring our life styles. We talked about music we prefer to the food we like. The majority of Americans were tlaking about how much they loved grits! And Carol-Ann deffo has a southern drawl. I really like listening when she talks its much diffrent, i was explaing to her today that was i was telling everyone there is a girl from the south and how interested i was in meeting her. I asked her all sorts of silly questions about homecomming, Prom, Prom king and queen. Its so weird they live in the same continent as me and are barley know anything about what life is really like there and All the preconcived notions i had of them were pretty far off. Anyways today we had our first team meeting. Just going over the rules and regulations about CCS. Matt, god bless him is the only boy of our group and today wile we were talking about the rules of no drinking and doing drugs he had a question. I doubt that he even really truly thought about what he was asking but when the staff asked if we had any questions, he replyed with "What about opium tea?" Ahah where he even got this idea from is beyond me and the staff crickled thier faces and didnt really even know what he was talking about. Keep in mind yesterday Matt paid $6.50 for a peice of paper yesterday which is more than some people make in a day here. Anyways Then later on we did this team building thing like Amazing Race. We were split up into groups, then given a lamintated peice of paper saying things we needed to to. Brandi, Jennifer, and Carol Ann had to go to town buy cucumbers, tomatoes, and bread and make 10 sanwhiches and hand them out to locals. Matt, and Cella had to go to all the rickshaws and taxis to ask for prices for trips to Agra for the weekend and go to the train station to see how much tickets were. Then Molly and myself had to go to town and buy Banans, Brown bread, tolite paper, glass pop, news paper, eggs, and bottled water. It was so much fun running through town by ourselves. We had to find our way into town and back to our flats just the two of us. When running in the roads the trick is to haul ass!! Its litteraly like playing human frogger dodging between cars. If your lucky in the middle of the street there is a medal gate about 2 meters long that you can stand by until traffic on the other side has come to a hault. We were given some local tips from our staff here today about traffic in India. 1) All road rules are considerd guide lines only. 2) Roads are considerd useful for getting from one place to another as well as, Drying wheat, chilles, taking a nap, enjoying conversation with a friend, or changing a flat tire. 3) One above all rules is the cow always has the right of way. No one in their right mind would ever hit a cow. If you want to cross a road safley adopt a cow and follow her. Those 3 rules pretty much wrap traffic in India. Anyways tommrow i go to my placement for the first time, and iam very excited for this. I need to get a good sleep tonight becasue last night was not good and this morning i woke up with a fever and felt like i was going to throw up all afternoon. Brandi gave me some pills and i felt better later on, but i'm developing a cough and im starting to bring up stuff with it :( But i took vitiman C , D and omega 369 to try and help out so hopefully ths dosnt turn into what i think it will. Anyways thats it for now!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Darling,

    I hope and pray that you aren't getting sick. Please drink plenty of water and try to get lots of rest. Please take a pic of traffic for me - I want to see what you see!! Good idea about following the cow - sounds like a safe way to cross the road. Good luck on your first day of work - those kids are going to be in for a real treat when they meet you.

    Love Marmee
