Sunday, November 7, 2010

Paula and Goa

Alexis and I
Hello All;
So Paula’s arrival has gone well and first week has wiped bye. I will let her do a little blurb at the end . Her and I are now roommates which has proved to be interesting seeing as she goes to MTDD at 7am and while preparing for her day she turns on ALL the lights bounces around and tries to have conversations with me. Really  Paula? She has even  thrown my sleeping out of wack because she wants to nap during the day so I nap with her and then she wakes up early 4am and crawls into bed  with me. Btw we sleep in single size beds.  So needless to say its nice to have her here but mabey not as a roommate. My other roommate Jennifer from the original group of  6 has gone home  L I now miss her and sitting in her bed while typing this blog post. For haloween we went to a pub situation for a Zombie  Party. We all dressed up like Zombies and walked to the pub. Can u imagine a pack of tourist running down the road dressed as zobies? We has pretty mixed reactions, I climbed on the front of someones  truck to scare these workers and one  guy was ligit scared so i felt bad. We passed an elder lady and she looked at her daughter confussed and her daughter responded , “Haloween Mama!” The walk there was probs the most  entertaining  part of the night.

Midweek I got  sick again! In bed with horrible shakes/fever super nautious. Thankfully i just slept it off and was ready to leave for Goa this weekend. But poor mom got sick and is still sick! She has the same thing I did and was sick for our trip to Goa.  Because it was Diwali this week there were SOOOO many firecrackers being lit, even as i write  this i can hear them  going off still. I was sitting in my bed sick talking the Jennifer  and some damn rebel rascals lit a firecracker off right  outside my window (room backs onto a alley) and when it exploded it litteraly shook my bed. So i think i have had enough of firecrackers for the time being thanks kids.... 

Anyways  Paula  and I went to Goa aka Arbian Sea this long weekend. We  left Thursday and got there in the evening  and Paula was not feeling well  so she went to bed pretty much right aways. Then the next day we walked  down to the beach like a 5min walk sat on some beach lounges under a umbrella and drank some cocktails with the ocean waves drifting right up to the base of our loungers. After  sitting there for a couple hrs Paula went back to the hotel and slept  thru till the next day.  That next morning Paula woke up at 4am still feeling ill but got the strength to do a tour with me. So we went to Turtle beach sat there for a  couple hrs relaxed  ate some King Prawns. They were delish.  After that we went to  some churches. 60% of Goa is Catholic so there were many of  ornate churches. We went to this one churchs where we saw the relics of Saint Francis Xazier, who is said to have has his hand cut off shipped to Portuagal and then it etched out its initials. Every 10 years  they put his body out on display. So after that we went to ride Elephants. I was going to wash the elephant in the river which was an option, but because it had just finished raining the river was red with iron deposit run offs. While Paula and i were riding the elephant there was A GIAT SPIDER Paula freaked  of corse and i took a picture, it was for sure bigger than my hand. As for today our last day i went parasailing! It was fun to be way up there floating aroud with the sea breeze in my face!
 Anyways after  fun in the sun catching a tan and seeing WAY to many men in speedos I’am home watching Mona Lisa Smile with my roommates.


  1. I definitely would have freaked at the spider too! I made Pam kill like three spiders in the shower while we were in Delhi. Everything sounds so great! Roomies with Mums is definitely tough! Sounds like Goa was awesome!

  2. Chloe are you and Paula coming home soon?
    Darn you for eating King Prawns without me! Really think your exposure to the variety of food is stunning. Rooming with Paula sounds like a treat!
