Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey Ya'll
So Jaipur was AMAZING. Totally kicked Agra's ass. I loved it had so much more culture! When we first arrived in the afternoon after a 6half hr drive there were elephants everywhere!! Some BIG some tiny some with color full painted trunks! Most of them had a wicked case of Vidliago on thier face. We first went to this place called the observatory. The whole place was a HUGE sun dial it was really cool! There it looked like a giant play ground with stairs everywhere. Of course i wanted to climb them. So i did to go take a picture, and i should have known cause no one else was doing it. I got about half way up and whistles started going off and a guard told me to get off. Soooo embarrassing. We went to a textile factory, and it was SO COOL. The whole song and dance of how they make everything, and offered us beer, pop, water. I got a pepsi. I ended getting a pair of silk Ali Babba pants (Diaper Ghandi Pants) Made. I LOVE THEM, so soft billowy, they are green and blue paisley. I also bought a silk duvet, a pillow cover. They are sage bold green. They look amazing and were a little expensive but worth the money. The next day we went to the Amber Fort, which is on top of a mountain! It was so cool to have a change in scenery to see the mountains and green!!! Im so used to brown and dirt in Delhi. When we got to the Amber fort it looked like a wanna be great wall of china, rolling along the hills of the mountains, and was so large it takes 4 photos to get the whole thing in. We rode elephants all the way up to the Amber Fort! it was amazing just beyond what i can explain. Molly and I were on top to the elephant the sun was hot, flutes and drums fill the air from street beggars. In front of us is a mini lake and all around us are green mountains and in between the valleys are small cities. The elephant snot was flying everywhere, with the smell of their crap and pee tingling our noses. When we got to the top i pet my elephant, her name was Jumbia i think, and she was 35!!! The man said she was a senior elephant. When i was petting her she closed her eyes, and enjoyed it. Then was stabbed by a fire poker to get moving. Oh yea sad part all the elephant owners use fire pokers, they are not on fire but the ones we use for fire, to stab behind their ears to get them moving :( The Amber Fort was just amazing to be in the mountains and look at the green was the best part for me. Our Hotel the Tordi Havili was awesome! Free breakfast and 10 bucks a night. We had conjoined rooms via sun deck. So we sat outside on our deck and chilled out for awhile, went to a Hooka bar and called it a night. I woke up at 7am and read my book on the deck while everyone else was still sleeping. Once again in the morning peace/chaos with all the hustle and bustle of Indian's starting thier day, I sat on the deck with the mountian brezze calming rolling by snuggled up in my blankie and book saying to myself, this life is amazing and i'am so blessed to be here. Before we left Jaipur we went to a jewelry shop. Same song and dance, I got to see people shape jewels which was actually really really neat. Then went inside got a free drinks again, looked at a 111$ ring, and ALMOST bought it. It had two diamonds and emeralds on a band. I was going to buy it as a Independence ring for myself, but thought other wise due to withering funds. Well lunch time and husky is VERY hungry.


  1. Another amazing experience that you can chalk up Dodi! I am really happy for you that you are having such incredible adventures. Please post pics of Jaipur okay?? Much Love M

  2. More pix would be great. It's funny how you miss things when you are away that you take for granted at home, huh? Everything green and lush here 'cuz it's raining lots. Enjoy !

  3. Hey Doey,
    I could just imagine your elephant closing her eyes as you gave her some lovin'. Kind of like a large CJ! They sense your kind intentions.
    Can't wait to see your new clothes. They sound pretty.
    Me and R. are enjoying the grey waves and pouring rain in Tofino. At the same beach your Ma and Em, you and I vacationed at years ago. Thanks for blogging Chloe. I am learning so much about India.

  4. Such great descriptions of India, Chloe! I have these amazing visions of Prince Ali ( Ali a Baba )
    from Aladdin in my mind, the village, mountains, elephants, blue sky and hustle bustle. I am so glad that you are able to take part in the day to day life of India, not only the tourist trap stuff. Did you get a pic of those beautiful elephants? I so love them and their intelligence!
    Keep enjoying yourself & please post pics!
    I apologize for "KimtOneill says"- it sounds so damn lame, but when I opened my account, it came out that way. I wanted it to read:
    From your favorite Auntie Kim- lest you forget!
